878 | +0.486% | 2 Setups | EURJPY AUDJPY

Aussie Interest rates today

Currency Data:

  • Diverge Currencies: ++CHF, +NZD, -JPY, –AUD
  • Asia Events: Tokyo CPI [JPY], Trade Balance [AUD], RBA Interest Rate Decision [AUD]

8:51 buy AUDJPY

10:58 enable TSL on AUDJPY

11:02 closing AUDJPY

11:34 re-buy AUDJPY

12:27 scale in pre-news

12:33 close AUDJPY Buy early as the resistance is still holding
(pretty sure it will be broken later)

13:18 small re-buy AUDJPY on the vWap

13:48 close AUDJPY
it’s probably gonna finally break out now without me.

16:06 Buy EURJPY

16:32 closing EURJPY Manually (bailing)

Total Today: +0.486%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)