1164 | +0.362% | GBPJPY

Asia Events Machinery Orders [JPY], Consumer Confidence [AUD], Retail [CNH]
EU Events Inflation [GBP], Trade Balance [EUR-Zone]

7:48 taking on the Momentum
Selling GBPJPY for a quick 1:1

10:46 adding some Buys to GBPJPY below the breakout level

12:16 close GBPJPY Cover trades for a small loss
(this could shoot back up still)

12:59 hedging half before the news

14:15 full reverse GBPJPY,
scaling in to get my money back before nearby support

17:47 closing everything via TSL

the screenshot shows a massive gain, but that is not correct
I made some transfers during the trades to the level of a few sub-accounts.
the ACTUAL profit is smaller at 0.362%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)