1139 | +0.304% | AUDJPY XTI NASDAQ

Asia Events Westpac Consumer Confidence [AUD]

9:36 Buy AUDJPY

10:30 quick scalp on XTI

10:48 quick Buy NASDAQ

12:07 close NASDAQ on target

12:10 moving stop on AUDJPY
(maybe too early, just about to retest vwap)

12:34 scale into XTI on vwap

12:37 scale in on AUDJPY and move stop

13:10 stop out XTI

13:12 stop out AUDJPY Buy,
accidentally got stop out on some of the hedge position as well

14:23 close AUDJPY sells at the low

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)