
RoboForex withdrawals

RoboForex withdrawals

406778   October 9, 2024 02:29   SwingFish   Technology & Broker News  

It’s 1am or so, and i realized that i’m a bit short on $$, remembered that there are still some funds with RoboForex/RoboMarkets from testing the Stocktrader app (which is pretty good btw) i wrote some notes about it here.

anyway, let’s make a withdrawal from Roboforex.

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RoboForex StocksTrader .. a quick lock

RoboForex StocksTrader .. a quick lock

403384   August 1, 2024 14:08   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

I “found” 372 USD in a bando account on RoboForex. Since I can’t really withdraw the funds at the moment, and they keep sending me ads for the “new” platform that more or less replaced cTrader, I thought, “Let’s give it a try.” I created a new account and transferred the ghost funds to it, and poof, there we go.


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Talking Trade in VRChat

Talking Trade in VRChat

239953   July 2, 2022 14:10   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

some interesting conversation randomly came up in VRChatÂ…
Â…worse than SwingFish VC? (probably? ?

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Risk ON / Risk OFF

Risk ON / Risk OFF

239951   July 2, 2022 14:08   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

my Trading performance isnÂ’t that good currently, lotÂ’s of time there are some hickups

  • targets not reached (support/resisstance seem to have its own life
  • liquidity is not constantly at the same level causing erratic movements.
  • War tensions and other nonsense
  • upcoming Rate Hikes Worldwide.

well, the Rate Hikes do have an advantage as this will cause some movement of money on a global scale, and guess what, thatÂ’s a good thing as markets will become a lot more liquid.

but in the aftermath of Covid-19 and a War may be around the corner, things are uncertain and we start to see massive movements even intraday.

This adds another level of complexity, so itÂ’s time to adjust, take smaller pieces instead of waiting for the big moves!

since we do trade mostly Forex, a zero-sum market in general, ranges should be all we trade anyway.

here is a screenshot of the current 30-day stats, (back in November this was at 14%! .. letÂ’s see if we do get back up in this territory.

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Trading in VR

Trading in VR

239947   July 2, 2022 14:05   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

i will write something more detailed about this topic ..

here is my first try at Trading using VR

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Blood Pressure -> Trading kills :)

Blood Pressure -> Trading kills :)

402839   June 22, 2022 12:55   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

well, after “mining data” for about 2 months, I found some interesting patterns that do relate and may provide a solution.

it’s clear at this point that the main factor for the blood pressure is STRESS, which brings a problem in itself, as in a country where everyone is pretty much asleep 24/7 this isn’t really “a thing” so a doctor will guess on things like this last, just because of how things are. additionally, it’s not “just stress” it seems to be some specific type (more on that later)

first, what I have found out so far
(in the order I was told by the doctor and generally people around me)


tiny or small impact.
I tested this by not smoking for serval hours after going out of bed, which should have lowered the overall nicotine levels already)
there was a tiny average impact (+/- 4 mmHg) however there may be other factors in play since this change was much smaller than the average fluctuation in measurements.


Interesting outcome (definitely some meaningful impact)
there seems to be somewhat of a short-term impact, I noticed every time playing VR, even with the pulse much higher of the resulting exercise,
the blood pressure itself was always lower than when started, additionally, last weekend went out with some friends to fly some drones, I did bring the device with me and measured even in somewhat stressful situations,
the pressure seemed down as well (not down as in normal but in the 130 range)


overall well-being sure resulting in less stress and has a lower pressure as an effect.
My average sleep time is around 6.5 hours, and with the data gathered, this is NOT ENOUGH!
every time i did sleep between 8 – 8.5 Hours, the general feeling during the day is much better.
however, there may be some conflict in the data, as i do generally feel tired resulting of the general stress almost all the time, this needs some more investigation.


in my own conclusion, Stress is the key factor, however, there is no real Baseline, it seems this is far more affecting on a psychological rather a physical level.

Trading Related.
while writing this, my blood pressure raised to 162/110 while i have a Forex position that is well in profit but still holds a 0.05% exposure to the capital.
nothing really to be worried about, yet the numbers show a different picture.

Below is a chart outlining my trading positions in relation to the blood pressure and the weekends, it show’s very clear that the actual Financial exposure, has little to do with how the stress is applied,
the correlation rather seems to be on the conviction itself and less about the financial outcome. this needs some more exploration!

precision om measurements

some (actually a lot) articles, Doctors’ advice, and general consensus about this topic suggest a “check” every few weeks/months or even yearly.
however, my pressure does fluctuate massively, this does beg the question:

  • are the measurements actually accurate?
  • is the general consensus nonsense?
  • or is that just because in my case the pressure is generally high?

Will ask this on Reddit, let’s see what other people’s opinion is about this.

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TrueForexFunds – the business

TrueForexFunds – the business

404546   May 13, 2022 23:51   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

Let’s go on another Prop firm, one of the newer players in the hood called “True Forex Funds

this is no review about performance, quality, or any other metric for the firm or myself!
the purpose is to lay out the real-life progression and experiences with TrueForexFunds in terms of “Trading as a Business”.

This page is to show that there is a process in terms of conducting business and actually making some money!
just signing up and making some profit is not the same as “being profitable” in the sense of the business itself.
There is a financial and time investment to consider!

Everything does look like the marketing is from myForexFunds (even the name) and rules like FTMO
that could mean “best of both worlds” or “just a copycat”? but that isn’t for me to decide.

here are the things that do stand out so far:

  • Pricing is “just a bit cheaper” than FTMO
    100k challenge is 499 EUR (FTMO charges 540 EUR)
  • Challenge targets are just a bit smaller than FTMO with the same Drawdown limits
    5/10% Drawdown for 8% Profit in phase1 and 4% in phase 2
    and they have no Minimum Trading Days (which does not make a big difference anyway but i guess it’s good for marketing)
  • other than the rules, everything else is very much copied from MyForexFunds
    like the name, even the discord channel layout has the same icons in the names
    (which makes it impossible to refer to a channel without  developer mode active)
  • NO Refunds!
    once you purchased, you either fail or go through all the way to Profit split, there is no other way to get the money back!
    they make this very clear in the Terms of Service and the dedicated Refund Policy. (not a hidden thing at all)
  • MyFxbook doesn’t recognize them as a Broker (probably not yet listed)
    as a result, you can’t add accounts to MyFxbook
  • it appears that at least part of the infrastructure is from Match-Trade Technologies.
  • The Company was Registered in October 2021. under the name True Proprietary Funds Kft. (limited liability)
    with 3m HUF Registered capital (about 8000 USD). located in Hungary (here)
    one listed person (Richárd Nagy, aged 24 when listed (March 2022) [Instagram / screenshot of an IG post]

Biz Log in the Google spreadsheet below, followed by the events that happened so far

what happened so far:

  • because there is no refund i will start with the smallest account they offer
    10k, 8% profit target 5%intraday 10% max Drawdown.
  • ordered while chatting with a support agent that answered all the questions regarding scaling, copy trading and a few other normal things.
    paid via BTC, let’s see how long that takes.
  • 20 minutes after payment was completed I got an MT4 account, added it to Duplikum,
    it’s Friday evening so no trade to be done, I just made a few quick scalps on Nasdaq to test things out.
  • sadly I can’t add the account to MyFxBook, because the broker isn’t listed and support chat has no clue about it 😉
  • here is a view of the Spread during the US Session
  • it’s Saturday, I’m bored, well let’s check on ToS of the firm regarding weekends.
    they do “allow weekend positions” and BTCUSD is active, so let’s try that one out real quick.
  • the weekend spreads on BTC are surprisingly small, but the execution is a total nightmare,
    i made a screen recording showcasing the execution speed on YouTube
  • May 15: the execution issue got worse, did some vwap scalping that went horribly wrong.
  • time for revenge! purchased another account (25k this time)
    bought ETH on the vwap with 1% risk and poof, Passed in less than 2 hours 😉
  • it says I have to wait a bit (usually 1 biz day) for the phase 2 account.
  • 7 Hours later (keep in mind i qualified during the weekend!) the Phase 2 account is ready.
  • there was a great opportunity on ETH, i took it with a 0.7% risk and qualified this account as well in less than 90 minutes 😉
  • accounts were confirmed, I had to do the KYC and confirm a Contract (just click “i agree” essentially.
    however, the support is refusing to give me this document as a pdf/image or even a link. first red flag?
  • well turned out this was just a language barrier, everything turned out just fine,
    the contract can be seen after the KYC is complete. in the dashboard
    (it’s however just HTML, i will download and recompile it to make sure it’s not altered after) 🙂
    also need to ask them some questions about the NDA they include. but i will do that in a few days.
  • May 17: Funded account is Ready, it’s a Demo account, but that is according to the agreement, so everything is fine so far)

    Buying some ETH to Initialize the account and a quick DAX Scalp to test the Copy-Service
    will copy this account with 3x of my main account you can see Live on YouTube daily.
  • May 23: the account was set to put on 4times the risk, which resulted in some offset in my hedge positions, I noticed it too late,
    and the account got disqualified today (it’s still in profit, yet it’s failed, well that’s on me! time for a do-over)
  • can’t share the live data from MyFxbook (this firm is not listed so they can’t be verified)


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MyForexFunds – First Drama

MyForexFunds – First Drama

404539   March 13, 2022 17:27   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

This page just shows the past mini-drama with MyForexFunds Company.
PLEASE do not jump to conclusions! on the frequency of events like this, after all the issues were resolved in my favour!
sometimes, these things just need some time to get resolved.

The bottom line it’s not fraudulent behavior but some organization issue (back office management) so nothing to worry about this firm so far!
also you need to keep in mind, that most people sign up with firms like this are losing traders and find reasons and ways to blame anything or anyone but themselves for wrongdoings.
those type of reports do not reflect the actual state a certain company is in!

After being initially quite happy with the way the firm works, the first signs that there may be some dodgy stuff is going on did raise.

Archived almost 11% ROI, some “issues” came to light, where the firm just stop paying out weekly profits as agreed.
I didn’t really think much about that at first, as the initial experience was rather pleasant.

After a week went by, i get another confirmation email about profits to be paid out to me. I did reply to the message asking “what about the previous payment not yet settled”
No reply was given, and a few days later the ticket was closed, asking me to “rate the service”
I did rate it and commented that my follow-up was just ignored. I received a message after where I was asked what the inquiry was. (I guess scrolling up in zendesk to read it isn’t an option 🙂 )

a day later I wrote an email to billing and cc to the registered email in the deel system, friendly asking about the whereabouts of the outstanding payments.
the same day, the person who previously dealt with me followed up by informing me that my account was suspended due to elicit trading practices and multiple IP did access my account’s

this response however raises more questions than providing answers.

  • why I’m offered a refund as the terms do clearly state that there is no such thing,
    Especially when rules are broken!
  • why does the company suspect this in the first place as the activity is very easily reconstructable with almost no effort by the firm?
  • most importantly, I had to follow up serval times in order to get this statement in the first place.

the act of protecting the equity of the firm isn’t really the issue here, i would have probably done it too.
but the chain of events as a whole does raise multiple red flags!

just to note here, it’s not like I wasn’t aware of the rules.

the website (screenshot from March 13 2021) clearly states that copy of trades is allowed.

on top of that, i asked the online support TWICE specifically mentioning the service (Duplikum) i use

March 13: I responded in detail to what I’m doing, including trading logs from corresponding accounts, Duplikum setup, and some screenshots from support where I clearly received permission to use Duplikum.


also re-added a new Payment Request in the Deel-System, requesting the last 4 payouts to be fulfilled.


March 14: contacted the Support supervisor I have as a contact on another platform, he told me to take care of it.
also, someone in the discord told me that support will contact me shortly.

March 15: surprise, support ended me another email confirming the payments (again) for one of the 3 accounts in dispute.

March 16: everything resolved, took a few peoples to get involved but at the end, the issue was confirmed and the funds were transferred to me (they are already on my Bank account)

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adding another Tradingaccount

adding another Tradingaccount

404537   February 17, 2022 17:50   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

it’s not really necessary,

but made a mistake yesterday forgetting to close a Buy on F40 (French Stock index)
massive gap down caused significant drawdown.

no disqualification, just a large loss, and since I want to keep the stream of coins upright, let’s add another one,
this way I can slowly recover the account with the drawdown without any pressure.

plus I planned on “upgrading” anyway, so now is a good time to do this, (double down)
this, however, adds another 2450 USD to the ledger on the expense end setting the Business back to around 4000 USD.

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Quick Divergence Example / Manage a trade with Divergence information (GBPJPY)

Quick Divergence Example / Manage a trade with Divergence information (GBPJPY)

150087   June 29, 2021 10:17   SwingFish   Traders Library you should know  

this is just a quick example (before/after) to spot Divergences and trade them.

the idea was to Sell xx/JPY (Buy Japanese Yen)

Step 1: look at the Divergence (large and small) chart to find out which one is the best to trade.

Step 2: find entry apply structural stops

Step 3: find exit when the difference narrows down or one reaches the ZERO Level

this does show when momentum is lost, or the difference between the currencies itself is level-out.

does not mean the move is over, but the initial momentum can be considered gone, a good place for a partial exit or complete exit on a nearby structure, if other like (USD/GPB lign up in the meanwhile this could be a sign of continuation, or a pullback to happen that would allow a scale in

the confirmation for USD to continue, scaling in the pullback instead of exiting position

things to note:

  • Divergence data can be collected in multiple ways,
    however, comparing currency symbols (like mot indicators do it) is a very dirty way and get’s you polluted information.
  • SwingFish uses data with permission from
  • Structure matters!
    none of these things will work if you do not respect and use Structural information
    (the charts/trade what you see) to find stop/profit levels.

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how to NEVER fail Prop Trading challenges

how to NEVER fail Prop Trading challenges

56759   July 6, 2020 00:37   SwingFish   Traders Library you should know  

A few simple & easy steps to ensure never to fail a trading challenge or live trading.
this works for almost all Proprietary Trading Firms, the content below is based on EnFoid Proprietary Trading (more…)

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[Video] Webinar & Interview: Scaling and Prop Trading

[Video] Webinar & Interview: Scaling and Prop Trading

40973   November 23, 2019 13:08   SwingFish   Traders Library  

a Webinar about Scaling, Sizing and Prop Trading held by Mario Hennenberger & Cam Hawking 23 Oct 2019.


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