
Camera Security

Camera Security

403059   July 23, 2024 10:17   SwingFish   SwingFish Updates  

The cameras in my home-office used to display on the website and streams, so since iam quite freestyle’ish and not really want pictures of me walking around nude or whatever, i made a small system that cheacks multiple scenarios first before providing a live picture.

so many, in fact, that i need to document it in my code (which is not really do normally on my own projects)

so here we are, the code checks for:

  • me having a active draft on (means i’m actively trading)
  • me streaming live (meaning i be seen anyway)
  • ctrader publishing my realtime positions (i made a small feature that allows to publish my realtime trading to
  • when a actual trade is active
  • or just turn it off and on as a setting

just some nonsense i do when i have a sec of time to tune things.


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Testing Deriv p2p Transfers

Testing Deriv p2p Transfers

239957   July 2, 2022 14:17   SwingFish   Technology & Broker News  

on the deriv platform they have a system that allows traders to exchange money (essentially moving funds from one to another account)

which is a pretty great idea!
(but I do have some doubts about the legal workings, as this walks a very thin path among the laundry path.)

well the benefit is clear, if you have issues getting transfers to work, other traders can “help you out”
it’s just like trading Forex, you decide the “exchange rate” when making your Bid or Ask, which will in terms define your fee/spread.

place the Ad of you buy or sell and wait for someone to pick it up.
pretty straightforward. so letÂ’s try it.

i placed a Buy Ad, but there was already someone Selling, so i went to that one.

placed my offer, made the transfer, and now itÂ’s waiting timeÂ…

20 minutes later, everything is complete, funds made it to my Account.
thatÂ’s a neat service!

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Talking Trade in VRChat

Talking Trade in VRChat

239953   July 2, 2022 14:10   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

some interesting conversation randomly came up in VRChatÂ…
Â…worse than SwingFish VC? (probably? ?

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Risk ON / Risk OFF

Risk ON / Risk OFF

239951   July 2, 2022 14:08   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

my Trading performance isnÂ’t that good currently, lotÂ’s of time there are some hickups

  • targets not reached (support/resisstance seem to have its own life
  • liquidity is not constantly at the same level causing erratic movements.
  • War tensions and other nonsense
  • upcoming Rate Hikes Worldwide.

well, the Rate Hikes do have an advantage as this will cause some movement of money on a global scale, and guess what, thatÂ’s a good thing as markets will become a lot more liquid.

but in the aftermath of Covid-19 and a War may be around the corner, things are uncertain and we start to see massive movements even intraday.

This adds another level of complexity, so itÂ’s time to adjust, take smaller pieces instead of waiting for the big moves!

since we do trade mostly Forex, a zero-sum market in general, ranges should be all we trade anyway.

here is a screenshot of the current 30-day stats, (back in November this was at 14%! .. letÂ’s see if we do get back up in this territory.

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Trading in VR

Trading in VR

239947   July 2, 2022 14:05   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

i will write something more detailed about this topic ..

here is my first try at Trading using VR

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Blood Pressure -> Trading kills :)

Blood Pressure -> Trading kills :)

402839   June 22, 2022 12:55   SwingFish   Traders Library Philosophy  

well, after “mining data” for about 2 months, I found some interesting patterns that do relate and may provide a solution.

it’s clear at this point that the main factor for the blood pressure is STRESS, which brings a problem in itself, as in a country where everyone is pretty much asleep 24/7 this isn’t really “a thing” so a doctor will guess on things like this last, just because of how things are. additionally, it’s not “just stress” it seems to be some specific type (more on that later)

first, what I have found out so far
(in the order I was told by the doctor and generally people around me)


tiny or small impact.
I tested this by not smoking for serval hours after going out of bed, which should have lowered the overall nicotine levels already)
there was a tiny average impact (+/- 4 mmHg) however there may be other factors in play since this change was much smaller than the average fluctuation in measurements.


Interesting outcome (definitely some meaningful impact)
there seems to be somewhat of a short-term impact, I noticed every time playing VR, even with the pulse much higher of the resulting exercise,
the blood pressure itself was always lower than when started, additionally, last weekend went out with some friends to fly some drones, I did bring the device with me and measured even in somewhat stressful situations,
the pressure seemed down as well (not down as in normal but in the 130 range)


overall well-being sure resulting in less stress and has a lower pressure as an effect.
My average sleep time is around 6.5 hours, and with the data gathered, this is NOT ENOUGH!
every time i did sleep between 8 – 8.5 Hours, the general feeling during the day is much better.
however, there may be some conflict in the data, as i do generally feel tired resulting of the general stress almost all the time, this needs some more investigation.


in my own conclusion, Stress is the key factor, however, there is no real Baseline, it seems this is far more affecting on a psychological rather a physical level.

Trading Related.
while writing this, my blood pressure raised to 162/110 while i have a Forex position that is well in profit but still holds a 0.05% exposure to the capital.
nothing really to be worried about, yet the numbers show a different picture.

Below is a chart outlining my trading positions in relation to the blood pressure and the weekends, it show’s very clear that the actual Financial exposure, has little to do with how the stress is applied,
the correlation rather seems to be on the conviction itself and less about the financial outcome. this needs some more exploration!

precision om measurements

some (actually a lot) articles, Doctors’ advice, and general consensus about this topic suggest a “check” every few weeks/months or even yearly.
however, my pressure does fluctuate massively, this does beg the question:

  • are the measurements actually accurate?
  • is the general consensus nonsense?
  • or is that just because in my case the pressure is generally high?

Will ask this on Reddit, let’s see what other people’s opinion is about this.

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