719 | +0.883% | 4 Setups | GBPJPY EURUSD EURJPY AUDJPY

Currency Data:
  • Asia Events: Interest Rates Japan [JPY]

07:22 Buy AUDJPY

07:52 close AUDJPY on resistance

08:11 Buy EURJPY

08:18 accidentally got myself hedged on EURJPY, closing the short positions in a loss

08:45 closing EURJPY early (too much volatility, probably a mistake)

08:53 buy EURUSD

09:35 close EURUSD

09:37 Buy EURJPY

11:22 Buy GBPJPY

12:03 got hedged while having some breakfast, will hold the GBPJPY position till the London Opening

14:05 buy EURJPY

14:20 close EURJPY

15:22 closing GBPJPY at nearest Resistance

Total Today: +0.883%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)