728 | +0.745% | 2 Setups | GBPJPY EURJPY

Late start in the day

Currency Data:

  • Bank Holidays: Australia, Italy

09:21 Sell EURJPY

09:24 Hedging EURJPY

09:30 close Hedge Buy on EURJPY

09:54 early exit on EURJPY because we where hedged already, damage control comes first!

10:09 Sell GBPJPY (vWap)

10:15 GBPUSD, however, looks bullish .. so this may fail

10:17 GBPJPY went back over the vWap, reversing sell order and let Hedge trigger (double the position)

10:33 exit position once the hedging loss was paid for

11:26 Sell GBPJPY on Resistance (very small size since GBPUSD is still going up)

14:00 reversing GBPJPY to Sell

14:12 closing GBPJPY sell on the first support

Total Today: +0.418%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)