969 | +0.971% | EURJPY GBPJPY DAX

today will be a short day!

Currency Data:

  • Diverge Currencies: ++CHF, +JPY, -CAD, –NZD
  • Asia Events: Westpac Consumer Confidence [AUD], CPI [CNH]

7:58 Sell EURJPY

10:22 reverse EURJPY to buy
it’s about to break out

i have to leave .. my daughter has a film casting, will manage trades on mobile ..

12:07 closing EURJPY via Mobile (breakeven ish)

18:31 I’m Back!  selling GBPJPY on micro resistance (could go higher tough)

20:23 quick scalp on the DAX

23:48 some hardcore hedging while doing the Windows 10 Update

Total Today: +0.971%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)