743 | +1.362% | 2 Setups | GOLD AUDJPY

quiet start in the day

Currency Data:

  • Diverge Currencies: ++CHF, +USD, -AUD, –NZD
  • Asia Events: Corporate Service Price Index [JPY]
  • Bank Holidays: Hongkong

08:01 Sell AUDJPY

08:55 close AUDJPY by Trailing stop as it crosses the low of yesterday

09:43 re-sell AUDJPY

11:23 Hedge AUDJPY

16:02 close Buy Positions on AUDJPY

16:17 close sell positions on AUDJPY

17:35 quick buy on GOLD

17:39 didn’t work, hedging

17:39 reversing the hedge and set TSL on a Sell position

17:42 closing GOLD positions on Breakeven .. calling it a day

Total Today: +1.362%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)