808 | +0.731% | 2 Setups | EURJPY GBPJPY

non-prepared start

Currency Data:

  • Diverge Currencies: ++GBP, +CAD, -CHF, –USD
  • Asia Events: Unemployment Rate [JPY]
  • Bank Holidays: Japan

09:22 Buy GBPJPY on vWap

09:37 reverse GBPJPY to Sell likely sold the bottom

09:52 closing at Weekly vWap, as I struggle to find a proper target.

11:10 Sell EURJPY

12:02 close EURJPY on support (it likely go down to the 115.96 area

Total Today: +0.731%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)