935 | -0.283% | GBPJPY AUDJPY DAX

loys of new live traders today

Currency Data:

  • Diverge Currencies: ++USD, +GBP, -AUD, –CAD
  • Asia Events: National Australia Bank’s Business Confidence [AUD], All Industry Activity Index [JPY]

8:26 Sell GBPJPY off H4 Resistance

10:53 Sell AUDJPY

12:13 closing GBPJPY (barely breakeven)

12:16 accidentally doubled the AUDJPY sell position.

12:43 to add to the stupidity didn’t take profit on AUDJPY
scaling in till vWap.

13:20 Sell DAX

13:38 enable TSL on DAX

14:06 close DAX

14:14 reverse AUDJPY (could be buying the top)

15:03 closing everything… it’s not working today

Total Today: -0.283%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)

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