1166 | +3.103% | GBPJPY

Super late today, had to deal with some Government issues
(perks of being a Foreigner, I guess)

14:02 Buying GBPJPY on the vwap
as it successfully pulled back from the weekly vwap

15:29 closing on a nearby resistance (original target was 151.908)

16:24 some hedge fun on GBPJPY

18:47 enable TSL on the GBP Sells

18:51 TSL closed GBPUSD sells

20:03 adding heavily to GPBJPY sells arround R2

21:06 closing as News volatility seems to stop
(too much of a gamble and I am massively in profit already)


Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)