1175 | +0.348%% | EURJPY AUDJPY EURAUD

Asia Events -/-
EU Events Retail Sales [EUR-Zone]

i have to go to the embassy again today
short session coming up.

7:52 fomo entry EURJPY

8:05 accidentally bought AUDJPY (mobile)
scaling in on vwap and setting TSL at the lows.

9:29 was explaining about SwingFish StopSyncer
placed a show trade on EURAUD

9:45 enable TSL on EURAUD and closing AUDJPY on Resistance

9:57 stop out EURAUD

10:36 scaling in and enable TSL on EURJPY

11:18 closing EURJPY early (target was 129.966)

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)