1524 | +0.313% | EURJPY AUDJPY

Today’s risk: 0.27%

Profit from this!

general pitrure looks “inconclusive”

9:38 Sell EURJPY

10:05 closing EURJPY as the USD starting to drop strongly

11:17 re-enter EURJPY Shorts

12:04 target reached, sadly the limit order at the vwap was never filled (small profit only)

12:23 quick vwap scalp on AUDJPY

12:54 closing AUDJPY early as CAD is gaining fast


quite sure the target at 92.25 will be hit anyway

12:57 target hit 😉

18:48 quick scalp on EURJPY

19:08 should have shorted AUDJPY instead …

19:30 closing on opening volatility


Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)