226 | +3.512% | 2 Setups (First Day in 2018)

06:32 Good morning everyone! hope you all had a good start into 2018.
today is the first Trading day in 2018.

06:29 there is no divergence data available due to the too long time of closed markets.

06:49 Buy AUDUSD

07:12 Scaling in on AUDUSD

07:19 Buying GOLD

07:24 Scaling into Gold 250%

07:29 momentum starts picking up, scaling in another 50% on Gold.

07:33 Scaling in did pay the bills. Closing all AUDUSD and GOLD Trades with a total gain of 3.512%

Total Today: +3.512%

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Streenshoots and Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)